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Flag Of Algeria







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Status of the church

In modern-day Algeria, more than 99% of the population is Muslim. And under 1% is Christian or Jewish. Islam is the state religion, and although the constitution provides for freedom of belief. However, it is illegal to proselytize to Muslims, and converts may face pressure and harassment from their communities.

Despite these issues, the Church in Algeria has been growing in recent decades. Some churches have seen an incredible increase in numbers, particularly among those from a Kabyle Berber background.

In addition to poverty and unemployment, endemic government corruption and poor standards in public services are also chronic sources of dissatisfaction. According to CIA World Factbook, about 20% of Algeria’s population is illiterate. This percentage rises to almost 27% for women in the region. However, satellite television is popular, and Internet usage has increased (4.7 million internet users by 2010, Internet World Stats).


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Prayer points

  • Praise God for the many new believers. Pray they will be able to receive the discipleship they need.
  • Pray for Christian satellite TV and radio broadcasts. These broadcasts have been how most new believers have come to faith and provide much-needed Bible teaching and support.
  • Pray for those who have been arrested or harassed for their faith. Ask God to give them the words to say and to be His witnesses.
  • Ask God to protect Christians who meet in secret in their homes or isolated locations.
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