The crisis in the Holy Land is unfolding hour by hour. Be assured that our programming continues to make God’s love visible and the Gospel available to millions. SAT-7 wants to be ready to create new programming addressing the needs of viewers across the region. We have created a special SAT-7 Emergency Fund to provide additional financial resources to our studios, allowing them to respond as needed. Please prayerfully consider providing a special gift to help SAT-7 be a light in this dark time. Thank you.
Other Ways to Give
To make a gift by phone, please call: 866-744-7287
If you prefer, you may mail your gift to:
SAT-7 North America P.O. Box 5039 Boone, IA 50950-0039
Gifts will be used as designated. In the unlikely event that a program is overfunded, we will apply gifts to a similar outreach program. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law. U.S. donors giving in amounts of $10 or more will be receipted by mail.