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7th August 2024

In a world where there are various religions, it can be easy to be swept up in looking for faith in all the wrong places. Khosro, a man from Iran, shared his testimony with SAT-7 on what it was like for him to live in a place where he felt he was constantly searching for true faith.

“In Iran, we don’t know what true faith is. Everyone pursues whatever they feel they like having faith in. I have looked everywhere for the source of true faith, but what I found didn’t feel right,” Khosro shared.

Khorso was struggling with his addiction to drugs. He decided to quit and he joined a 12 Step Program to help him on his journey to sobriety. Within that 12-Step Program, he was introduced to others who struggled with addiction as well. He came face-to-face with another man in this program who found true faith.

“In one of the 12 Step groups, I met someone who seemed different and whose words had an unusual impact on me. I noticed that he had a cross in his car and when I asked for the reason, he wouldn’t tell me,” Khosro said. “One day on my way to meeting this person, I noticed a cross in a window shop and I felt strongly drawn to it. I suddenly felt I had to get that cross and when I did, holding the cross filled me with an immense sense of peace.”

This was the true faith that Khosro had been seeking.

“When I showed the man the cross I purchased, he was surprised and then proceeded to tell me about his own faith. From that moment, there have been many indescribable changes in my life and in the depth of my being,” he shared.

Khosro knew there was more to life than seeking false religions. He longed for something more, and he found it during his recovery in a 12 Step Program.

God shows up in our lives in ways we never imagined. Because of Khosro’s commitment to change his life and pursue a better path, he found God during his journey.

“I am so happy and grateful to the Lord for using this man in the 12-Step Program, but also you at SAT-7 PARS, so that I can come to know Him better,” said Khosro.

*All viewer names have been changed and viewer images are representative only.

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